Buying a dog and barking yourself

Buying a dog and barking yourself That’s a line my dad always used and it comes to mind from time to time when someone has hired a professional to do a job and then they try to do it themselves or stand over their shoulder and direct them. When you go to your doctor, you describe the symptom and they prescribe a way back to health. It’s the same with your mechanic. You take your car in, try to mimic that clickity-clack humming sound it just started making and the mechanic goes to work on diagnosing the problem. You wouldn’t tell the doctor what to prescribe, or the mechanic how to fix a tie-rod (whatever that is). They’re trained professionals and you trust in their knowledge and expertise. Shouldn’t that also be the case in the ad agency/client relationship? Trust your marketing experts the same as your doctor or mechanic. Understand that they are trained and experienced professionals. Give your creative partners a reason to live and die for you. You’ll find by doing so you...